
Hann joins RQ to increase collaboration among IFAs and solicitors

RQ Team
July 5, 2023
RQ Team

Originally published at FTAdviser, 30 June 2023


Clarke Willmott’s Philippa Hann has joined RQ Ratings, an organisation that aims to increase collaboration for accountants, solicitors and IFAs.

Clients need their accountant, solicitor, and IFA to work together and lack of data, opaque regulation, and mistrust between professionals hinder effective collaboration.

RQ said it removes these barriers, “unlocking the power of collaboration for professionals and their clients”.

Speaking to FTAdviser on the move, Hann said: “I am delighted to be joining RQ one day per week, it is an opportunity to make a difference to the sector I have spent the best part of two decades working alongside.  

“My role in financial services thus far has been to try and bring wrongdoers to account. I have acted for thousands of clients who have suffered as a result of firms or banks putting their own interests above those of their clients. But I also know that there are superb advisers out there (I have one myself) who make their clients' lives better, more rewarding and more successful.”

Hann said for advisers, proving to the outside world that they are one of the "good advisers" has always been difficult.

“Having the opportunity to be part of the creation of a kitemark to demonstrate to potential clients, referrers and insurers that you genuinely put the client first and run an excellent firm, was an opportunity I couldn't pass up,” she said.

RQ’s collaboration ecosystem is also institutionalising the vast client referrals ‘market’ that sees professional services firms refer clients to one another on a daily basis, Hann explained.

“For too long this informal market has been non-compliant, inefficient and not always working in the best interests of clients,” she added. “RQ is changing that.

“My team and I at Clarke Willmott will continue to work on pursuing bad actors in professional services, we have a long and successful history of doing so and that won't change, we continue to expand the team bringing on our juniors and attracting new talent from across the country.”
RQ Team

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